martes, 1 de abril de 2014

La Ecuación del Sinsentido

The majority of the fantrans groups present a level of professionalism worthy the recognition not only by the readers but by the experts in translation studies too. The secrecy in their practice —these amateur translations are hardly ever signed with their real names— makes so difficult to find a sample big enough to consider accurate the results of the surveys we plan to subdue the fantransers. But difficult doesn’t mean impossible. Opposite at general belief about the Internet, it can be considered a really small town where everyone knows each other. Being a blogger, a proofreader working for several publishing houses and a fan translations consumer, position me in a very strategic point to accomplish this study. Once we have identified their strengths and weaknesses, we’ll try to provide them with tools specially thought in order to improve their procedures. Internet is a wide variety of possibilities whose limits are still unknown and we are going to take advantage of this. Only after knowing and understanding this cultural movement will be possible to help them get their real potential. 

All the chapters will be focused on the fantrans phenomenon and how it has emerged as an alternative to a necessity that couldn’t be satisfied until now. Fan translations are not a stigma that must be condemned nor feared, but a new reality 2.0 that needs to be accepted and seen as a support to the literary translation world. The objetives we want to achieve in our investigation are clear and varied:

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